Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang"

The title I wrote above is one famous quote from one Indonesian heroine, RA. Kartini, whom we, Indonesian, are remembering today.

Back then, long ago before our independence, when Indonesian were still under the Netherlands colonialism, women were forbidden to get any kind of education. The role for women wasn't neither studying nor working, but staying at home. Women was destined to be married and responsible for house duty. Period. No excuses.
It's been happened for ages, before Kartini stood up for our gender. She fought for the equality in education for both men and women.
Yes, she faced hardship through her way, but she did it at last.
"Habis gelap terbitlah terang" (After Darkness, Light is Born) was the compilation book of her letter about her thought of women's right to her husband.

I never read those book, frankly. Yet, I never thought too much about Kartini and her journey. What I remembered was only a bit story from my history class on elementary year and the ritual to wear kebaya every April 21st on my kindergarten year.

But today, as I was really busy doing my 3D modeling homework, I suddenly thought... maybe without her, I might not be able to do what I do right now.
I wouldn't have any opportunities to study about filmmaking aboard.
I wouldn't learn how to edit the video and make 3D modeling.
Instead, I would only stay at home... cooking, doing house duty, waiting for my husband to come home.
What a boring life...

So, as I'm seeing through these pictures below, I want to express my gratefulness for her. Thank you for making me able to have such a great opportunities like this.
Thank you for giving me a chance to fight my own future :)

And about my current condition, after my down phase last week.. as she said "After darkness, light is born"... I feel much much better now.
I'm still not at my very best state, but yes... it's not as worse as before :)

After darkness, light is born...
Actually, light is never disappear nor fading away... Light is always there, only our eyes that being blocked and it makes us unable to see.
As for me, my light is always with me.... I only need to clean up my mind and my heart to make it shine again :)

1 comment:

  1. woahhh you're a video person ? that's sooo cool !

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