Thursday, May 20, 2010

Karena Tuhan Tahu

Banyak orang bilang, a adalah orang yang sangat beruntung...
Tuhan ngasih a berkat yang luar biasa berlimpah.

Lahir di keluarga yang memiliki materi yang cukup, orang tua yang baik dan mendukung, dibesarkan dalam cinta dan bungkusan lembut kasih sayang yang memampukan a untuk tumbuh dalam senyuman.
Ditambah kesempatan luas untuk mengembangkan diri, fisik yang sehat dan tahan banting, semangat yang tinggi untuk maju, kecerdasan yang cukup bisa diandalkan, kemampuan adaptasi dan bersosialisasi ke semua lapisan dan golongan...
dan seterusnya..
Terlalu banyak, a bahkan ga sanggup untuk menghitung semua berkat luar biasa itu.
Terlalu banyak, lebih daripada apa yang mampu a sadari
Lebih daripada apa yang sanggup a harapkan.

Banyak orang bilang, a adalah orang yang sangat beruntung...
Dan a juga bilang, ya... a adalah orang yang sangat beruntung!
Tuhan ngasih a karunia hidup lebih daripada apa yang sanggup a minta.

Dan ada suara-suara mulai bertanya, kenapa harus a yang demikian beruntung?
Kenapa harus a yang berada di posisi ini?
Kenapa bukan mereka?
Dan a sendiripun mempertanyakan,
"Tuhan, kenapa a? Kenapa a yang Kau berikan berkat yang luar biasa tak terkira ini?"
"A ini siapa, Gusti? A bukan malaikat... bukan orang suci. Kenapa a yang Kau berkati dengan karunia dan kesempatan seluar biasa ini?"

Hari ini, jawaban itu muncul di depan mata a :)
Kenapa Tuhan ngasih a berkat yang luar biasa tidak terkira ini?
Kenapa a?
Karena Tuhan tahu, di tangan a, berkat ini akan terus mengalir untuk orang lain.
Karena Tuhan tahu, di tangan a, berkat ini ga akan berhenti hanya untuk a nikmati seorang diri
Karena Tuhan tahu, di tangan a, berkat ini akan berlipat ganda untuk dibagikan kepada orang lain yang membutuhkan.
Karena Tuhan tahu, di tangan a, berkat ini ga akan menjadi percuma.

Karena Tuhan tahu, a akan berjuang sekuat tenaga untuk itu
Karena Tuhan tahu, perjuangan itu ga akan pernah berhenti :)

A beruntung, a diberkati...
Karena Tuhan tahu, orang lain akan juga ikut menikmati peruntungan dan berkat itu
Karena Tuhan tahu, dengan penuh kerendahan hati, a rela berjalan di jalan salib-Nya dan menjadi bagian karya keselamatan-Nya.

Tuhan memberikan berkat-Nya sebagai bagian karya agung-Nya
Tidak ada yang percuma, tidak ada yang akan tersia-sia.

Dan kalau kamu pun merasa beruntung, merasa diberkati...
Itu karena Tuhan tahu, berkat-Nya juga akan terus mengalir untuk orang lain di sekitarmu.
Maka... jangan berhenti :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Am I Too Naive?

Am I too naive, that after all, I'm prefer helping other rather than making money?
Years ago, I said to myself that my purpose in life is serving others, helping others.
And I also said, I believed, God will make a way for me.... that I didn't need to worry about income, because as long as I used my life for others, He himself would make a way for me for living.

HE already granted my wish...

But I refused it.
Because about two years ago, I said to myself.... I wanted to fight for my own life. I wanted to fight with my own talent and my hard work for living. I wanted still helping others, but still making money from my work. Let's said that I could help other on my spare time, in the middle of my real job. I could making money, yet still helping others.

But tonight, one thought hit me, straight to my head and heart. It's said that... after all, I'm still prefer helping other rather than making money. I want to use my talent and my work to serve others... to help others.
My deepest desire still remains the same... rather than being successful and being well-known among others, rather than making money for living, I want to devoted my time for others.
I want to be there for people who need my talent. I want to use my talent and my work to help others in need, without they need to think about how much budget to pay me. I want to be there and ready for they call, without they have to think about budged wise.
Even it means I have to work for free, actually I don't really mind.

Am I too naive to say so?

It seems impossible now... But deep inside, I want to keep this little faith, that God will still make a way for me.
It seems impossible now... But I want to keep my faith, He will work on HIS own unbelievable way.
It seems impossible now... But I want to believe, He will take care of me as long I have a good purpose towards others, not myself.

He will make a way, when there's no way. Oh God, give me enough faith to believe it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What is your definition of success?

I bet all of us have our own different answer for that.
The most common answers are:
"Success means I get a great and prestigious job and make a LOT of money"
"If I have the most beautiful/ handsome girl/boyfriend"
"If I have a big house with plenty of maids to help, a wife to take care of me, and children that I can be proud of"
"If I win in a big competition in the first place"
"If I become famous among others"

Then some people who can think more deeply might answer:
"I consider myself successful if If I can make my parents proud of me"
"Success for me is seeing my loved ones smile and happy"

But for me, all the answers above are NOT my definition of success :)

No no no.... it doesn't mean that I don't want all of above.
Frankly, I still desire it on my own.
But... it just not what I aim the most in life.

For me, what I can success is:
if somehow my presence in life becomes a blessing for others
if somehow my presence in life has made someone's life become easier :)

Like today, in the middle of my boring science class, I got a Boxcar notification that somebody mentioned my name in twitter. I checked it.
Emelly, one of my choir friend when I was still in Bogor, sent me a twit. She said, she planned to write a blog post about me because after all I was one of her biggest inspiration.

After I read that, I was like... WHAT???
I couldn't stop smiling, blushing, and flattered at the same time.
A simple sentence had definitely made my day.

Later at night, I read her post... and long story short, she wrote about her current feeling and how my experience back then reminded her to keep being thankful about what she's already got in life.

After I read that, I just didn't know how to express what I felt. A feeling of grateful and thankfulness rushed out from my heart and almost bursted me into tears.

And I bowed my head down and discreetly said a prayer... to God Himself...
And said "thank you"

This is such a priceless moment.
This little feeling definitely can't be traded with anything else....
Forget the glorious fame, put aside the glamorous joy that money and pride can bring.
Knowing that somehow my life has touched another life.... it's one of the miracle that God has created in life.

I'm no one... I'm just nobody... I never do something really big and good...
But yet, somehow the way I live has helped somebody to live better than before.
If it wasn't a miracle, I don't know what I should name it.
Having a lot of money? Having a prestigious job? Being famous and well-known among others?
There're totally NOTHING compare to this.

Thank you God...
For making me able to feel this way.
For me... this is what I call true success in life :)
And I know this can't be happened without Your interference in my life.
So thank you :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Good News

Just heard a news... that I got a job offer for this summer again!!! :)

Can't stop smilling :D
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