Saturday, December 25, 2010

When Shit Happens

People might complain about lot of things, according to this accident
People might grumble about how unlucky they were
People might question God why He made them experiencing this kind of thing
People might be mad and blame their destiny

I'm just grateful... no other else
yes, there's some difficulties we need to take care of
yes, there might some expenses we need to pay for
yes, there's some injuries that we had

I'm grateful that nobody had major injury...
I'm grateful that our insurance company was really helpful...
I'm grateful that the paramedic and doctor treated us right...
I'm grateful that we still stayed together...
I'm grateful, because I know it could be worser.

And most of all...
I'm grateful that I can still be grateful and give YOU thanks :')

Thanks for keeping us safe...
Thanks for helping me to see the bright side of this accident...
Thanks for not letting me swearing horrible words...
Thanks for still putting a smile on my face...
And, thanks...
for granting me enough faith to keep giving YOU thanks..

Surely, this is a best Christmas present ever from YOU :)

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