Monday, November 15, 2010

Cheat Code of Life

"If life is a game, I need a cheat code... maybe a few."
- Unknown -

I twitted those quote last night, before I went to bed.
And got respond from somebody out there:

"cheat code for 'life game'? L + I + E + S"

Then i replied:

"I prefer to use S-M-I-L-E as the code"

Then when I checked in the morning, another reply came:

"Another LIES with 'M' ? :)"

I didn't need a single second to think before answered:

"Different arrangement, different result."

Yeah... I believe it is.
Because the "S-M-I-L-E" never failed me in life :)
Even in the hardest time of life, when I smile to others, I feel better.

A genuine smile emits a bright positive atmosphere to our surrounding.
Affects them to feel better and great, creates a positive feeling inside of them
which later will affect their surrounding too.
Sincerely and peacefully...
It takes time, but the effects will reach you one day, in unpredictable way.

While lies... discovered or not,
emits a guilty atmosphere and eats you from inside...
It might give you a immediate effect as what you planned before.
But no matter how good you cover it up, one day the truth will be showing up
and destroy everything that once you think you had.

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