Friday, September 2, 2011

An Agreement with God

And He said to them, "Why are you timid and afraid, O you of little faith?"

Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great and wonderful calm.

- Matt 8:26

After whining and whining for days to Him about my never-ending-anxiety,

finally today we reached our win-win solution and decided our agreement already.

So, I told Him...

This is me and from this day forward,

I promise I'll try to stop worrying about who I will become, what happen that will be on my way, and what path should I choose.

I'll try to stop questioning why I have to feel this kind of crisis, why all things seem so unsure, why I have to endure this never-ending-black-tunnel-that-seems-lead-me-nowhere, and so on.

Yet, I'll start to re-build myself and re-new my fighting spirit.

I told Him, I wouldn't care anything else, but declaring the war between me and the-me-that-blocking-my-path.

Because, I know now..., the only person that standing on my way is myself.

She's the only one I have to fight off....

And that will be my main and only job.

For the compensation on His part...

I asked Him to take this anxiety off from me.

I gave it to Him and told Him to take care of it, because I don't want to be bothered by it anymore.

Whatever it is, now it's on His hand already... It's not my problem any longer.

So, simply said, we will divide the work...

He will be focusing Himself on transforming my anxiety into something good in the future, while I will be focusing to fight myself off to reveal the best side of me.

That's our deal.

We shook our hands already.

And we both agreed :D

-Seattle, September 1st 2011


  1. ibu Stella Pacis yang kucinta... saya mohon izin untuk "menyomot" postingan ini menjadi bagian daari postingan di blog saya... boleh nda'? hehehehehe
    It seems Arians have this kind of path nowadays... LOL


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