Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Remember...

Recently, I'm thinking a lot about my times in my previous campus, IPPAK. I don't know but the memories keep recalling back.
Starting with my first year there, when I came with all the innocence. I was so naive and I looked life as a white page; all were kind and good.
But then years went by and taught me hard.

I remember when I didn't know who was true and who was fake.
I remember being hurt..., for all of them talked good things in front of me, but said the otherwise behind.
I remember crying..., for they took all my hard works for granted.
I remember being gossiped in the name of friendship..., for they thought that they knew what was best for me (when, actually, they didn't).
I remember losing faith in friends..., for knowing people that were look so innocent and pure could be a backstabber.
I remember being broken..., for knowing that the friendship I thought we had was totally fake.

But I also remember...
I remember standing strong, despite of all the storms above.
I remember trying to be ignorant; not hearing what they said but kept fighting for me and others.
I remember deciding to insist with my own thought, to what I believed was right, even when they were thinking the opposite.
I remember learning from those experiences...
I remember when my heart was full of hatred and I asked God to keep my heart as pure as His, so I wouldn't tired to forgive and forgive.
I remember letting Him to take care of me and believing that He would turn everything into good at His time.

Life hit me down many times, back then.
But I insisted to stand again and again every time I fell, stronger and wiser each time.
I dealt with myself among all all cynicism and jealousy.
I was being hurt but still doing my very best.
Little did I know that every sorrows and bumpy roads I faced has built me stronger each day and made me able to choose my current path.
And, here I am now...
Being in the place I never thought that I would.

God is really there, watching over me along those times :)
Counting every moment when I tried to keep my heart as clean as I could, whenever he gave me the temptation.
Counting every thankfulness I gave Him, even in the middle of difficult times.
Counting every patience I kept as I tried to forgive those who trespassed against me, and did nothing to fight against them.
Counting every faith I put in Him that He's the one who would execute justice to those who are right.
Well, I'm not a saint. My heart wasn't always pure and clean, but I know He knew that I always tried my best.
I know He counted it all along His test and now He granted me the reward :)

Now I look back and smile. Every tears had turned into smile, sorrow into joy, challenge into strength.
No bad memories left, even the worst one had turned into the beautiful one.
I remember crying and now I'm really thankful for every tears I shed because it has built me stronger and helped me flying higher.

I know it doesn't mean that I won't face any storms anymore.... I will!
But in the middle of the worst storm ahead, let me remember:

The difficult moment comes for a reason :)

to build me better and better than yesterday
so I can be a better person in the future, as what I was intended to be.

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